faceted growth中文什么意思

发音:   用"faceted growth"造句
  • growth:    n. 1.生长,成长,发育,发展。 ...
  • faceted crystal growth:    小面化晶体生长
  • faceted:    将材质以面的形式赋予对象; 有小面的
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  1. Mr benby chan , managing director , asia aluminum holdings , added : " we will continue to pursue a multi - faceted growth strategy in our core aluminum extrusion business through a combination of vertical and horizontal expansion
  2. " we will pursue a multi - faceted growth strategy through a combination of vertical and horizontal expansion . we will continue to expand our production capacity through mergers and acquisitions to achieve economies of scale and strengthen our position as a global player in the industry
  3. " we will pursue a multi - faceted growth strategy through a combination of vertical and horizontal expansion . we will continue to expand our production capacity through mergers and acquisitions to achieve economies of scale and strengthen our position as a global player in the industry


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  4. faceted crystal growth 什么意思
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  10. faceted spur 什么意思


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